Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year!! New Year’s is always a time to reflect and start new. Of course every day gives us the opportunity to do this but on New Year’s many people like to make resolutions or goals for the year ahead. Did you?

My husband and I had fun going out to a nice dinner for New Year’s Eve then after the kids went to bed enjoyed a movie (Safe Haven on Netflix – really good!), some champagne and watching the ball drop at midnight. We talked about our goals for the year and and family goals. More prayer time, Bible studies, date nights, regular blogging for me, organizing my business time better, getting back to the gym more often for my hubby and for me doing my Burst workouts and weights more regularly and losing the last 5 pounds from my pregnancy this fall, spending more quality time as a family, enjoying more and worrying less because as we saw in 2013 with many of our friends – life is too short and you never know how much time you have here so enjoy it and be grateful for it. We all have gifts and I am always working toward using those gifts to the fullest. How about you?
If weight loss is part of your new years goals then consider joining us for our Shaklee 180 Turnaround Challenge starting soon!!! Shaklee is giving $50/$100 in free products and FREE shipping for a year when you sign up for Shaklee 180 on autoship in January! This is the program that helped me to lose 2 pant sizes and several inches when I had my boys and maintain for 3 years! I love the taste, convenience and energy I get from this program too! 
You can get started on your weight loss goals HERE.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2014 filled with many blessings for you and yours!



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