Earth Day Special!

Earth Day is coming soon – April 22nd! If any company should be the official company of Earth Day, I truly feel Shaklee should be it! After all, our Basic H was the featured product at the very first Earth Day in 1970! And to celebrate Earth Day, I have a really fantastic special for you 🙂


Shaklee was the first company to become climate certified neutral in 2000, meaning we leave a zero footprint on the environment. Our beautiful headquarters building in California has won awards for being so environmentally friendly.

Have you thought about how household cleaners that we use every day can impact the environment? When we choose safe, non-toxic cleaners, laundry and dish products, we can help to do our part to preserve the earth! Every little step we do adds up to big things we can do globally!


Did You know:

– over 90% of Poison exposures occur at home.

– chlorine bleach is the #1 household chemical involved in poisoning

– Organic pollutants, found in many common cleaners and air fresheners, are found at levels 2 to 5 times higher inside your home then out!

– common cleaners give off fumes that can potentially increase the risk of kids developing asthma, the most common chronic childhood disease

– 1 in 13 school-aged kids has asthma

– the average US household generates more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste each year (the EPA designates toilet cleaners, tub and tile cleaners, oven cleaners, and bleach as hazardous waste.

Earth day windex

Are you looking for safer cleaners for your home? Do you get headaches when you clean? Does your skin react to laundry detergents and soaps? Mine used to. Until I switched to Shaklee’s Get Clean products. My parents have been using Shaklee cleaners since the mid 70s! I got away from Shaklee in college but rediscovered it when we had our family and I am so thankful I did!

When our youngest was born at 34 weeks with lung disease and spent the first 7 days on a vent to breathe, doctors in the NICU prepared us that he would most likely have asthma. And get sick more often. But we brought Benjamin home to a non-toxic environment, and gave him Shaklee  vitamins to boost his immune system and build his health. He hit a rough spot at 13 months when I had run out of his vitamins and he got sick again. But other then that, he has been healthy and is 4 years old now! And asthma-free to the doctor’s surprise!

Benjamin Surprise

When you purchase a Get Clean starter kit, you are getting the same amount of cleaning power as in $3400 of conventional cleaners!! Shaklee does not ship water. Just the concentrate. So a little goes a long way when you mix it with water, making it last a very long time.

earth day cleaners

our Basic H2 house hold cleaner is even cheaper then using vinegar and water. And smells better too. 🙂 with Shaklee, you reuse the spray bottles, keeping the plastic out of the land fills.

Did you know that Shaklee cleaners are used in the White House? They were also shared on the Oprah show and our CEO Roger Barnett and his wife shared how the cleaning products helped to turn around their 3 year old’s asthma symptoms when they got the toxins out of the home from the cleaners they had been using. Here is the clip

Oprah and Shaklee video

I love how safe the cleaners are. So safe that my young boys can help me clean with them and I don’t have to worry. And they work really well and are completely safe for the environment too!


If you are ready to make a change, to get rid of toxins from your home, to help the environment and to save money too, I have a great special to share with you for Earth Day!

special offer

When you order a Get Clean Starter Kit today, you will get a free customer membership to Shaklee, saving you 15% off the retail price on your kit and any future orders. (no annual fee or minimum requirements either!). AND I am also giving you a Free Scour off paste ($8.50 value), which is awesome on stoves, ovens, grout, showers, sinks….basically anywhere you need a scouring scrub. It smells really nice too. 🙂 The Get Clean starter kit has everything you need, from our signature awesome household cleaner Basic H2 that works in 1000 different ways, to laundry products including our booster that is a natural alternative to bleach, to our dish products, wipes, microfiber cloths and sponges, accessories, a nice carrying caddy and more! This is an excellent value as these cleaners will last you months to years to go through!

scour off1scour off12


To take advantage of this, you will need to comment here to contact me to redeem this limited time offer!

Thanks for reading and happy cleaning!








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