I am super excited for the new Shaklee Plain & Simple Life Shake that was just rolled out! My shipment arrived a couple of days ago and I have already made my favorite shake with it…and it was good!
Now, for those of you expecting it to be full of flavor, it won’t be! Here’s why:
The Plain & Simple shake is just that – plain and simple!
No sugar or sweeteners at all. So, you add your fruit and veggies of choice to really taste those things in the shake. The protein adds nutrition as protein is the building block of all cells in the body. It’s good for overall health and keeping our cells healthy, which is so important!
Did you know that Dr. Shaklee, the founder of Shaklee Corp., was the first scientist to make a soy protein powder in the 1960s? First one to make the multivitamin in the US too in 1915!
And our Life Shake is something you can cook with too! Add the Plain and Simple Shake to pancakes, muffins, soups…..a great way to add some good nutrition to your family’s diet!
I start just about every day with a Life Shake. It’s part of the Shaklee 180 program, which can be used for weight management. I used this program 6 years ago to lose the baby weight after having my boys and have been able to maintain since!
The key component, Leucine, helps you to burn fat and retain lean muscle mass. So important to help you stay off the yo-yo diet for good.
And of course coming from Shaklee, which is the leading natural nutrition company in the US, it’s always free of anything artificial or anything that you don’t want in there like heavy metals and contaminates. Unfortunately, the supplement and protein industry isn’t regulated (yet!) by the FDA so you really have to watch for these things and many protein powders on the market can’t make the same claims as Shaklee. With Shaklee you really are getting a great product that works and is proven by quality science!
Are you looking for a good quality protein to add to your diet?
If you haven’t already, take 5 minutes to take this Free Health Assessment called Health Print. It gives you your free comprehensive nutritional plan and has some specials around it in February too!
Ready to get started today? Check out our Shaklee 180 Starter kit that is on special in February or our Shaklee 180 Turnaround kit now! Both are great places to start!
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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