Breakthrough in Atlanta!


It’s been almost a month since the Shaklee global conference in Atlanta and the days are just flying by! I wanted to share some of the experiences and pictures from that great event. I had talked about it before and how our theme was BREAKTHROUGH! And it truly was a Breakthrough experience!!

My teammate Katie and I drove from MS to meet up with some of our other teammates and we had an absolute blast! Not too much sleep, but tons of fun and excitement!

The first night we attended the science symposium, which is always really interesting. We learned about what’s new and really how what we have with Shaklee science, the integrity, history, and quality of publications and patents, is unique.

It was great that Katie’s brother Matt could join us for this. He lives in Atlanta and is in medical school. He was really impressed by everything he heard and of course he had tons of fun hanging out with us giddy girls after 🙂

We had a blast rooming together and getting to know one another better. So much fun!!

We had fun at our team dinner on Friday night! A first of many!

And our wonderful mentor Joyce Hoffmann, who is a Lifetime Master Coordinator and has been with Shaklee since 1969 along with her husband Chuck, always has a nice dinner for us too! We were in DeDe Shaw’s suite, who is also a mentor on our team and happens to be the top paid Shaklee distributor and has held that title for a long time!!! DeDe and Joyce are wonderful!


DeDe also hosted a fun social for her organization the first night. It was so fun for my team to get to meet everyone there! Including at least 3 master coordinators, which is the top rank in Shaklee!


Master Coordinator Linda Causey is a riot.

The Green and Bling night was such a blast! And it was so fun hanging out with Joyce’s granddaughter Callie! (second from the left)


Shaklee globals are like a family reunion! I loved seeing so many of my dear friends there including Laura and Angie in the first pic and my polka dot twin Crystal in the second!


Green and Fabulous With Master Coordinator, Barb Lagoni!

Rooftop party with our team for the Future Leaders event. Such a fun night!

and some of our team stayed late enough to get to see CEO Roger Barnett! (I was in bed by then lol)

A little rain didn’t stop us from having fun!


It was really special being able to celebrate  Star Achiever status with my friend Emily!


Shaklee Cares is a wonderful non-profit organization that delivers products and money as relief funds for those affected by natural disasters. It started with Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and has been helping those affected in Houston by the recent hurricane. We are also gearing up to help with Irma heading towards the US and praying for all affected.

This year at conference like in past years, Shaklee offered Shaklee Cares benefit Yoga, Burpees Before Breakfast and a 5K! Our entry fee to these events goes to Shaklee cares to help with relief efforts. This year some of our team did all 3! Personally I did the Burpees and 5K —at 6:30am!!! and was pretty sore after but had a lot of fun!


Our CEO always runs the 5K with us. Here he is giving a speech before the National Anthem. The sound system went out right before the National Anthem so we all started singing it. It was amazing and so beautiful! I had never been a part of anything like that before.


They always keep us well hydrated with our Performance hydration drinks and lots of Shaklee 180 snack bars to go around for good protein after the 5K!


Burpees Before Breakfast left me quite sore!!! I was thankful for our new Recover supplement that really helped to ease the muscle pain and helped with muscle repair.


If you would  also like to help by sending Shaklee Cares Relief Packs or money through Shaklee cares that will be used for people affected by the recent hurricane(s) you can do that through this link.

There are always some great and fun announcements at global and this year sure topped off any other year I have attended (this was my 6th consecutive!) with new product announcements!!! Wow! So many great things launched to share with you!

YOUTH is our new and AMAZING anti-aging skin care line that I am in love with!!! You may know that I am  have suffered from cystic acne all my life (not too much fun!!) and my skin is ridiculously sensitive. I have been using Youth for almost a month and am in love!!!! I loved it right away, then went through a bit of a transition period as my skin turned over and adjusted to the products, and now I am back to LOVE!!!! I will share my before and afters with you in another post after my 30 and 60 days so stay tuned!!!!

Our CEO Roger Barnett announcing the new products!



Nancy was in the trial group and I have just been blown away by the results I have seen! Many people in the trial group are friends of mine so I know personally how improved their skin is.

Every single participant in the trial reduced the age of their skin! Shaklee worked with world class skin experts to develop the age skin index so they can measure the age of a persons skin. Pretty amazing results!!!

2/3 of the participants in the study moved their skin into a younger decade!!!! Imagine yourself looking 10 years younger than you are now!


And Youth is affordable! It beats all of the leading competitors pricing!

AND it keeps 2500 toxins out! This is Unique in the skin care industry!

Now Shaklee had let us know before global that we were getting new skin care. But what they didn’t share until we were at the conference, was the brand new Youth BB cream! If you’re not familiar, this is a beauty balm that is a very light foundational product. And I LOVE it!!!! it comes in 4 shades and you can mix shades to find your perfect one to match your skin! I am a 2 which is medium light 🙂


Shaklee is also giving a FREE Youth Cosmetic bag though September of 2017 with the purchase of the Youth Advanced Anti-aging Kit! AND through December of 2017 you will also get the Radiance C+E which is a $94 value!!!!

Along with Youth, Shaklee gave us the new Performance Sports Line! I am also loving these products! Some of them we had and have just been repackaged and some are brand new!

There are 2 packs to choose from: Fitness for the few times per week gym goer looking for good health and fitness. And Endurance for the higher intensity athlete. Both have a great energy, hydration, build and recover component. Both packs come with a FREE Glass water bottle through September of 2017. I have it and I love it!!


And more and more Olympic athletes are using and trusting Shaklee. It’s always so great to hear from some of them at global

We always love to hear from Dr. Bruce Daggy about Shaklee science



Breakthrough Speaker Brian Biro joined us on Saturday and was absolutely AMAZING!!!!! He had over 4000 attendees of all ages break a 1 inch thick pine board with our hand! My whole team got trained to hold the boards for people and we also got to break one! Brian had us all write something on the board that we needed to break through in our lives. Wow! Powerful stuff there!!! And we all did it!!!!






Katie doing an awesome job holding!

One thing Shaklee does well at conference is celebrating and recognizing achievements. For me, when I get recognized on the Shaklee stage, it is really a symbol of all of the people I was able to help and serve that year! It was really wonderful to be able to do this with my teammate Emily Cary this year! She has such a heart for helping others and Shaklee is such a wonderful way to do that!

Star Achievers:


New Rank Recognition:

Next year’s Global Conference is Aug 16-19 in Las Vegas, NV!!!! We are so excited and our team is already registered and have the hotel rooms booked! We have room for more so contact me if you’d like to join us! You are guaranteed to have a great time!

Global is always my favorite time of the Shaklee year! So much fun!!!  Here’s our team with Madonna, Elvis and Elton John who just got done announcing next year’s location! Vegas was where I went with my mom in 2012 for our first global so it will be fun to go back!


Well, that about sums it up! I am so proud of my team and all that they have accomplished by helping so many in the past year and since global too! We are in the process of talking to more people who may be a fit for what our team is about. If you’re looking for better health, a brighter future, and have a heart for service and helping others, this may be for you! Reach out to me and we can chat about it.

Thanks and have a blessed day <3








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